Know how Focus 101 is empowering Neurodivergent people.

Celebrating diversity, the concept of neurodiversity is gaining momentum. Neurodivergent people, encompassing those with conditions like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and more, possess unique cognitive patterns that often grant them unparalleled creativity and insight. However, the flip side can include challenges in maintaining focus and managing tasks, leading to feelings of frustration and disconnection. Entering Focus 101 platform offers a lifeline of support, allowing neurodivergent worldwide to channel their strengths and overcome their challenges with newfound empowerment.

Embracing Neurodiversity and Focus 101

Neurodiversity champions the idea that neurological differences should be respected and accepted, just like any other human variation. The neurodivergent population encompasses a spectrum of conditions, each with its own strengths and struggles; they can have extraordinary problem-solving skills, hyperfocus, and exceptional memory, often providing unique insights that others may not perceive. However, maintaining attention, managing time, and handling transitions can be arduous tasks, leading to difficulties in traditional learning and work environments like working remotely.

The shift to remote work in recent years has brought both opportunities and challenges for many people, diagnosed or not. The lack of structured routines and the disruption of familiar work environments have impacted time management and task organization, and reducing face-to-face interactions has led to feelings of isolation and loneliness, particularly affecting those who already struggle with social connections. Distractions, sensory overload, and difficulty in maintaining focus due to home environment factors have worsened their performance in productivity in their jobs or studies.

Besides, managing executive function challenges become more complex in remote work scenarios, where self-directed tasks are prominent. The increased use of technology can contribute to digital fatigue, particularly affecting those with sensory sensitivities or difficulties adapting to frequent software changes. Unclear boundaries between work and personal life have also intensified stress.

This is where Focus 101 steps onto the stage, equipped with the potential to be transformative allies. This digital platform, designed to enhance concentration, task management, and time allocation, offers a structured and tailored approach that caters to the specific needs of the neurodivergent by providing customizable features, clear visual cues, and strategies for breaking tasks into manageable steps. Focus 101 has created an environment conducive to productivity, learning, and personal growth.

The Superpower and Focus 101

One remarkable aspect of neurodiversity is hyperfocus—the ability to become intensely absorbed in a task of interest. Focus 101 can be used to channel this hyperfocus into productive endeavors by breaking down large tasks into smaller subtasks, setting timers, and integrating visual cues, helping neurodivergent people transition from one task to another while still benefiting from their hyper focused state.

As we all know, routine can be a lifeline for neurodivergent people, providing a sense of predictability and stability in a world that can feel chaotic. In Focus 101, we’re all about making life smoother, and that includes helping users build routines that work like clockwork. With our toolkit, you can craft structured routines complete with visual schedules and friendly reminders. This predictability fosters a sense of control and reduces anxiety, which in turn improves focus.

Furthermore, many neurodivergent people face executive function challenges—difficulties in planning, organizing, initiating tasks, and managing time. Focus 101 provides a structured framework that guides these processes, think reminders that pop up like friendly nudges and progress tracking that keep you on top of your game. These tricks? They’re not just about productivity – they’re about that fist-pump feeling of accomplishment that comes with overcoming those hurdles. 

Your Path to Empowerment

In a world that often prioritizes conformity, Focus101 acts as a bridge to empowerment for neurodivergent people. This platform recognizes the value of diverse minds and provides tools that empower users to channel their strengths while managing their challenges. It transforms the landscape of work and personal development, fostering inclusivity and embracing the uniqueness of each one of you. Focus 101 isn’t just web or app; it advocates for empowerment, unlocking the potential of neurodivergent minds, and paving the way for a future where every person can thrive.

Navigating the ADHD Adventure: Tips and Tricks for a Fun and Focused Life

Hey Focus Masters! 

I remember the day a great friend told me: “So, you know how sometimes I seem a bit scattered or find it hard to focus? Well, it turns out I have ADHD, which stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It’s actually pretty common, and it just means that my brain works a little differently than others.”

Having ADHD means that my attention span can be shorter than average, and people may have trouble staying focused on tasks or remembering things. It’s like the brain has many tabs open at once, and it can be challenging to keep them organized. But here’s the cool part! People with ADHD often have some awesome strengths too. They tend to be really creative, full of ideas and can be super energetic. Sometimes they have a lot of enthusiasm for things we’re interested in, which can be infectious!”

It’s important for you to know that ADHD isn’t something that people can control or ‘snap out of.’ It’s just a part of who they are; the most important part is knowing how to manage it. Sometimes they might need a little extra support or understanding from friends, and patience and empathy are really appreciated.

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, affects approximately 5% of adults in America. The majority of them experienced ADHD symptoms since childhood. For those who live with ADHD, life seems like an adventure, full of ups and downs and challenges that they must navigate in some way, somehow. Living with ADHD doesn’t have to be chaos; in fact, there are many tips and tricks that can help you or a loved one with ADHD enjoy life to the fullest!

The tips & tricks that helped my bestie:

Embrace the Power of Routines: While routines may sound boring, they can be a game-changer for ADHDers. Creating a daily routine that includes structured blocks of time for work, leisure, and self-care helps bring order to our days. Start with small steps, like setting consistent wake-up and bedtime routines, incorporating regular breaks, and scheduling activities that bring you joy. Routines provide a sense of stability and help us stay on track with our goals while leaving plenty of room for spontaneity and fun.

Get Crafty with Visual Organization: Traditional organization methods may not always do the trick for our ADHD brains, so let’s get creative! Some strategies that can help improve organization and visual aids can be our secret weapons. Try using color-coded calendars, sticky notes, or whiteboards to capture tasks, deadlines, and important information. Visualizing our commitments in a fun and eye-catching way adds a touch of excitement to the otherwise mundane world of organization. Plus, it makes it easier to remember and stay focused on what needs to be done.

Harness the Power of Mindfulness: With our minds buzzing a million miles an hour, finding moments of calm and clarity can be challenging. That’s where mindfulness comes in. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine—whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or taking mindful walks in nature. These moments of intentional focus and relaxation help quiet the noise, reduce stress, and enhance our ability to stay present and engaged in the tasks at hand.

Pursue a healthy lifestyle: Exercise, better sleep, and a healthy diet can do wonders for improving focus. Working out regularly in ways you enjoy, such as walking in nature, practicing yoga, or working out in a gym, are amazing ways to boost concentration, calm your anxiety, and channel energy into positive and fun activities. When combined with a healthy balance of sufficient sleep and nutritious foods, you can enjoy benefits such as improved focus and mental and physical health.

Embrace your Strengths and Interests: People with ADHD have many unique qualities, including creativity, hyperfocus, and out-of-the-box thinking. These are actually great strengths to possess and lead to a lot of innovative discoveries. Embrace these traits and take part in activities that align with your interests that leverage your strengths. Not only will you improve your focus, but you will also unlock feelings of fulfillment and accomplishment that should be celebrated. 

Keep it up: It may be a struggle and sometimes seem impossible, but ADHD doesn’t have to prevent you from living a full and happy life. Embrace the ups and the downs, and keep going forward. There are many tools and techniques available today to make life with ADHD easier to manage and help you to achieve great things!

Remember, my focus masters, ADHD is a superpower that comes with its own set of quirks and challenges. But with these tips and tricks in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to embracing a fun and focused life. So, get out there, dance to the beat of your own drum, and make the most of your incredible ADHD adventure!

Productivity Hacks for Procrastinators: Get Stuff Done and Still Have Time to Chill

Have you ever felt guilty at some point for putting off tasks and wasting your free time for hours to avoid something that might have taken ten minutes to complete? Then like me, you are a procrastinator!

It is that constant battle against time and self-discipline. It is a struggle that arises from the propensity to delay important tasks, succumbing to the allure of instant gratification, or the appeal of relaxation in the face of impending responsibilities. Procrastination does not make things happen; if it does, it’s usually rushed and panicked. The struggle lies in the paradoxical cycle of knowing what needs to be done yet continuously choosing to postpone it, leading to increased stress, missed opportunities, and a persistent sense of falling short of own potential.

This leads to a desperate scramble to get something done, often leaving room for mistakes, poor quality, and stress. If you constantly struggle to start a task and complete it within an acceptable timeline, this is what’s worked for me so far:

Get Your Morning Groove On!  One of the first things some of us do in the morning is hit the snooze button one or five times. Then, before we know it, we’re crunched for time and rushing to get out of the door. We’ve started our day procrastinating. Instead of going through this torture day after day, just get up. Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and mentally prepare yourself to face the day ahead. Use your “snooze” time to get your day started with a morning routine. 

Get Your Tasks in Formation! If you’re not great at making and remembering mental notes because you’re easily distracted, write down a physical list of things you need to do. A to-do list breaks down your tasks for the day, and you can check them off as you complete them. There’s something very satisfying about scratching items off your list once you get them done and out of the way. This can be motivating and make you feel and be productive. 

Tackle the Beastly Tasks Head-On! Tackling the most unpleasant task first works wonders for productivity and peace of mind. Think about it like ripping off a Band-Aid – the sooner you do it, the sooner it’s over! By diving into the tough stuff right at the start, you free up mental space and energy for the rest of your day. Plus, once you conquer that dreaded task, you’ll feel a surge of accomplishment that can carry you through the rest of your to-do list with newfound confidence and a sense of relief. If there’s a particular task that you are absolutely dreading to do, mark it as a high priority and do it first. It’s a technique called “eat the frog” and has been proven to reduce procrastination and improve productivity in all aspects of daily life. 

Nip Those Little Chores in the Bud! When it comes to those small tasks that pop up throughout the day, tackling them pronto is the secret sauce to staying on top of your game. By taking care of those little things right away, you prevent them from piling up and turning into bigger, stress-inducing monsters. Plus, checking off those quick wins gives you an instant boost of satisfaction and motivation to keep going. Trust me; it’s like a mini victory dance every time! So, don’t let those small tasks linger and steal your focus. Small tasks are easily brushed off and can get piled up. If something takes you two minutes or less to complete, do it immediately. This will avoid a massive pile-up and help you stay consistent with productivity. 

Indulge in Well-Deserved Delights! Hey, you deserve a little treat! Rewarding yourself is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining motivation and celebrating your progress along the way. Think of it as giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Setting milestones and treating yourself when you reach them adds an extra sprinkle of joy to your journey. It could be as simple as indulging in your favorite snack, watching an episode of your favorite show, or taking a well-deserved break to do something you love. By acknowledging and appreciating your efforts, you create a positive cycle of motivation that keeps you going strong. Create a reward system for yourself when you complete difficult tasks or meet particular milestones. You can reward yourself by taking a break, having a snack, doing something you enjoy, like relaxing, watching a movie after work, or enjoying time to yourself or with friends, to name a few.

So, there you have it, my friend—some handy tips to help you dodge the procrastination trap and stay laser-focused. Remember, it’s all about taking small steps, staying organized, and finding what works best for you. Celebrate your victories, learn from your slip-ups, and don’t forget to give yourself a break now and then. 

Procrastination stifles growth and productivity and does a lot more harm than good. When we are in the midst of wasting time avoiding tasks, we don’t see the negative impact until we’re short on time and stressed out. It’s a tough journey to overcome the tendency or habit of procrastination, but it is certainly achievable; with a little determination and these tips in your back pocket, you’ll be well on your way to beating procrastination and accomplishing your goals like a champ. Keep pushing forward, stay positive, and let that inner productivity guru shine! You’ve got this!

Exciting New Release: Supercharge Your Focus101 Experience!

Hey Focus101 Fam,

We’re pumped to bring you some fantastic updates and improvements with our latest release! 💥 Here’s a rundown of the changes that will take your Focus101 experience to a whole new level:

  1. Verify Email Header: Now, verifying your email is a breeze, ensuring a smooth and secure onboarding process. This one is for us, we need to make sure our emails go to the right (and real) email
  2. Titles for 101 Session Participants: Each 101 session participant will have their own unique title, making interactions more personalized and engaging.
  3. Blur & Background Changes in Calls: Tired of boring backgrounds? Not anymore! Customize your video calls with blur options and stunning backgrounds.
  4. Personalized Session Suggestions: After onboarding, we’ll recommend exciting sessions to book, tailored just for you.
  5. Full-Width Calendar Option: Customize your home page by making the calendar full width for a better visual experience. As requested by one of our users
  6. Readability in Dark Mode: Links in room chat are now easily readable, even in dark mode.
  7. Create Session Actions: Experience a more streamlined session creation process with new, easy-to-use actions.
  8. Meeting URL Passcode Fix: We’ve addressed the issue with meetings lacking a passcode in the URL, ensuring smoother connections.
  9. Enhanced Translations: More updates for English and Romanian translations, making our platform more inclusive.
  10. Session Counter Fix: The session counter inside 101 rooms is now accurate and reliable.
  11. Mobile UI Improvements: Enjoy a more polished user interface on your mobile devices.
  12. Calendar Session Tooltip Update: Get more context from session tooltips on the calendar for better planning.
  13. Report Partner Option: Now, you can report partners, but only for 101 sessions for enhanced privacy.
  14. Layout Customization: Choose between Mosaic or Sidebar layout for your rooms and adapt to your preferred view.
  15. New Session Modal: Introducing a fresh and intuitive session creation modal for a smoother workflow.

We’re beyond excited to roll out these updates and make your Focus101 experience even more enjoyable and productive. Your feedback and support have been invaluable in making these improvements, and we can’t thank you enough for being a part of our journey.

Explore the new features, get creative, and keep the suggestions coming. Together, we’ll continue to build an exceptional community of learners and achievers.

Keep shining,
Focus101 Team 🚀

Introducing Exciting New Features and Enhancements

We are thrilled to announce a significant update to our service, packed with powerful features and enhancements designed to enhance your experience. We’ve been working hard to listen to your feedback and address your needs. Let’s dive into the exciting new additions:

  1. Multi-Language Support: We understand the importance of catering to diverse user preferences. That’s why we’ve added support for multiple languages. We’re excited to introduce support for Romanian, and we have Spanish (Espano) lined up as our next language addition. Now, you can enjoy our service in your preferred language for a seamless experience. If you can help translate to a new language, we’d love to hear from you!
  2. Leave a Message Feature: We value communication and collaboration. With our new “Leave a Message” feature, you can now leave a note for your accountability buddy when leaving a session. Whether it’s a reminder, an important update, or a word of encouragement, staying connected and informed has never been easier.
  3. Public Rooms: Introducing “Public Rooms”! We believe in fostering a sense of community and collaboration. With Public Rooms, you can now join virtual coworking sessions with like-minded individuals from around the world. Share ideas, exchange experiences, and boost productivity together in an engaging and supportive environment.
  4. Test Session for New Users: For our new users, we want to make it even easier for you to get started. We’ve introduced a “Test Session” option that allows you to explore and familiarize yourself with our platform’s functionalities. Take it for a spin and discover firsthand how our service can elevate your productivity.
  5. Support Chat: We’ve got your back! We understand that sometimes you may need assistance or have questions. That’s why we’ve added a support chat feature. Our dedicated support team is just a click away, ready to help you with any queries or concerns you may have.
  6. General Bug Fixes and Updates: We’re committed to providing you with the best experience possible. In this update, we’ve addressed several bugs, ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience. We’ve also implemented various updates to enhance overall performance.
  7. Filter Calendar Sessions by Duration: Finding the right session just got easier! Our new filtering option allows you to search for sessions based on duration. Whether you prefer shorter bursts of focused work or longer immersive sessions, you can now customize your calendar to meet your specific needs.
  8. Leave Session Notes: We understand the importance of reflection and documentation. With our new “Leave a Note” feature, you can now jot down key takeaways, accomplishments, or thoughts about each session. Capture valuable insights and track your progress effortlessly.
  9. Earlier After-Session Page: We believe in efficiency and providing immediate value. Based on your feedback, we’ve enabled the after-session page earlier, depending on the session duration. This allows you to review your accomplishments, reflect on your work, and plan your next steps without delay.

Conclusion: We’re excited to bring you these new features and enhancements, designed with your productivity and satisfaction in mind. Try them out today and unlock the full potential of our service. We’re committed to continuous improvement and providing you with a seamless and empowering experience.

Remember, your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have any suggestions or ideas for further improvements, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Stay tuned for more updates, as we’re always working on new ways to help you achieve your goals. Happy coworking!

May release with new goodness

Exciting Updates and Enhancements in Our Latest Release
We’re thrilled to announce the latest release of our application, packed with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to provide you with an even better user experience. Here’s a highlight of what’s new:

  1. Upcoming Sessions Scroll
    We’ve introduced an Upcoming Sessions scroll feature that allows you to quickly navigate to the nearest available session. No more searching through a long list – find your next session with ease!
  2. Enhanced Welcome Modal
    For newly joined users, we’ve revamped the welcome modal to provide more information about our app and its exciting features. Get a comprehensive overview and make the most of your experience right from the start.
  3. Share Screen Option for 101 Calls
    Collaboration is key! With the new release, we’ve enabled the share screen option for 101 calls. Seamlessly share your screen during important discussions and enhance collaboration within your team.
  4. Improved Home Calendar
    Our home calendar has received a makeover! We’ve made updates to showcase more events at once, allowing you to efficiently plan your schedule. Experience the enhanced UI/UX and enjoy a more intuitive calendar interface.
  5. Filter Calendar Sessions by Favourite Partners
    Stay organized and prioritize your sessions with the new filter option. Now, you can filter your calendar sessions by your favorite partners, ensuring you never miss an important meeting.
  6. Meeting Creator Enhancements
    We’ve made it even easier to manage meetings. In this release, we’ve enabled viewing meeting details even if the meeting has already started. Stay informed and have all the necessary information at your fingertips.
  7. Improved Repeat Session Functionality
    Updating repeat sessions is now more flexible than ever. Along with dragging and resizing events, you now have the option to directly update repeat sessions, providing you with more control and convenience.
  8. Customizable Date & Time Format
    We understand that personalization is important. That’s why we’ve added the option to choose your preferred date and time format. Starting with the next release, you’ll have the freedom to customize the displayed date and time format across every page.

Bug Fixes
In addition to the exciting new features and enhancements, we’ve also addressed several bugs and issues reported by our users. Our dedicated team has been hard at work to ensure a smoother and more reliable experience.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about the latest release! These new features and improvements aim to elevate your user experience and streamline your workflow. As always, we value your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions with us.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our app. Stay tuned for more updates and feature announcements in the future!

April release with new features

We are excited to announce the latest release of our platform, which includes several new features and fixes to enhance your user experience.

One of the most noticeable changes is the updated Session UI, which now offers a more streamlined and user-friendly interface. We have also made changes to the Session page calendar default view, which is now set to Week by default, allowing for easier scheduling and planning.

In addition, we are introducing the ability to listen to white sounds inside room calls, providing a more calming and relaxing environment for your sessions. We are also happy to announce that focus sessions will no longer automatically end when the allotted time is up, giving you the flexibility to stay longer if necessary.

We have also added support to reconnect to room calls after getting disconnected, ensuring that you never miss a moment of your session. And, after rating your partner, you can now easily book another session with just one click, making it easier than ever to continue your progress towards your goals.

Finally, we have made general bug fixes to improve the overall stability and performance of the platform.

We hope that these updates will enhance your experience and make your sessions even more enjoyable and productive. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for further improvements.

Thank you for being a part of our community!

New features

It’s been too long since we wrote one of these. And it’s not because we didn’t do anything, but mostly because we’re busy building this thing, making it better and better.

So long story short (promise), we’re releasing a new version, which among other things has:

  • We improved the homepage, so your sessions are more clearly visible
  • Better control in meetings (ie: kick bad people)
  • Since not everybody uses Gmail or Facebook to register / authenticate, we’ve implemented email validation. Not that we don’t trust that’s your email, but mistakes happen
  • You can now book a session with your favourite partner in one click. We’ll send you an email when they created a session and then you can just click a button and BOOM, you’re booked
  • Lots and lots of other bug fixes and small improvements

New major release

It’s been months since we’ve gone live with our very first version.

Since then, we got some feedback from the (handful) of users and our own testing. Lots of work went into improving things and adding new features.

New feature: register an organisation and group calls

We’ve been asked by our partners to enable group calls for their companies. So, we built that, too.

Organisation registration screen

Simply choose to register as an organisation and hey presto, you’re an owner!

Fill in the rest of your organisation details, upload your logo and start inviting your team(s).

And please don’t hesitate to send us your impressions and suggestions for new ideas! We’d love to hear from you.

And we mean it!

Until next time!

Aaaand … we’re live

Look at this picture of a cat!

After a long year of hard work we’ve gone live.

Still in beta, we’re running tests with family, friends and even enemies. It’s a public beta after all. Everybody is welcome!

We welcome any feedback – please use the form below.