Look no further! Nobody is telling you this about task Management!

Have you ever felt like you’re juggling a circus when managing your to-dos? Productivity, the cornerstone of progress and success, is often an elusive goal. In the quest to optimize our time and tasks, numerous methods have been devised, each offering promises of enhanced efficiency and focus. The Ivy Lee Method is here to be your trusty guide through productivity mayhem, providing a simple yet powerful framework for productivity. Born in the early 20th century and still relevant today, it offers a clear approach to task management and performance enhancement. Let’s delve into the workings and principles of this age-old technique to understand how it can transform our daily productivity.

At its core, the Ivy Lee Method is a straightforward strategy that emphasizes prioritization, focus, and a disciplined approach to managing daily tasks. It was conceived by Ivy Ledbetter Lee, a business legend and pioneer in public relations and a productivity consultant in the early 1900s. The story goes that Charles M. Schwab, the President of Bethlehem Steel Corporation and a renowned business magnate of that era, sought Lee’s advice on enhancing the efficiency of his team. In response, Lee presented him with a simple yet impactful method, which came to be known as the Ivy Lee Method.

The essence of the Ivy Lee Method revolves around a structured and deliberate approach to daily tasks. It involves following a set sequence of actions each day to maximize productivity. Here’s a breakdown of how the Ivy Lee Method works:

Preparation Ahead: The process starts as your workday winds down; at the end of each workday then you take a moment to envision the battlefield of tasks for the next day. Take a few minutes to reflect on the day’s work and jot down the essential tasks for the following day. This can be done in a notebook, on your computer, or through any preferred method. Think of it as penning down your game plan the night before the big match.

Priority Pass: Now comes the fun part: sort these missions by prioritizing these tasks in order of their importance. The crucial element here is to be ruthless in selecting only the most critical tasks that need your attention the next day. The aim is to narrow down the list to a manageable number, usually around 3 to 6 tasks.

One mission at a time: The following day, start by focusing on the first task on your list. It’s your mission, and you’re choosing to accept it! Dedicate your complete attention and effort to this task until it’s completed. No multitasking or running between missions, as this method promotes a singular focus on one task at a time.

Sequential Approach: Task complete? Nice work! now, move on to the next one on your list. Repeat the process of focusing exclusively on the task at hand until it’s finished. Proceed in this manner until you’ve completed all the tasks on your list.

Rolling Over Unfinished Tasks: Any unfinished tasks at the end of the day should be evaluated. If they remain critical, include them in the list of tasks for the next day. Just remember, no mission gets to stay on your list for more than a day without completing it!

The brilliance of the Ivy Lee Method lies in its simplicity; it is like having a personal trainer for your tasks, and nudges you towards mindful action, one task at a time. It’s a mix of planning, determination, and a dash of old-school simplicity. By narrowing down daily tasks to a manageable number and concentrating on each task individually, individuals can significantly enhance their productivity. This approach prevents overwhelm, encourages focused efforts, and ensures that the most important tasks are consistently addressed.

Furthermore, the Ivy Lee Method aligns with the principles of mindfulness and deliberate action. It cultivates a sense of purpose and intentionality in our daily work, encouraging us to tackle our responsibilities with a clear mind and a dedicated approach. By emphasizing daily reflection and strategic planning, this method ensures that each day is a step towards achieving larger goals and maintaining productivity in the long run.

Remember, this is a time-tested productivity approach that showcases the power of simplicity and focused effort. It serves as a reminder that in our fast-paced world, sometimes the most effective solutions are the simplest ones.

How to get to the Focus Fortress


In the age of constant digital distractions and never-ending to-do lists, the concept of “Focus Fortress” has emerged as a safe place for the modern professional in our Focus 101 world. Focus fortress refers to the ability to focus without interruption on a cognitively demanding task, producing higher-quality work in less time. It’s like your concentration and your focus are happily living in a fortress for productivity. Our term was inspired by the concept of deep work.

Deep work is a term coined by productivity expert Cal Newport. It is a state of flow where your cognitive abilities are fully engaged. It’s when you’re in the zone, producing your best, most meaningful work. Deep work is characterized by sustained periods of undistracted concentration, often resulting in completing complex tasks and generating creative ideas. Being in a Focus fortress is similar; it’s when you’re so into what you’re doing that you forget about the world around you, helped by our platform in a safe environment, with your body double and for a specific time, so you produce your best stuff. Do that often, and you´ll become a Focus Warrior.

In contrast to deep work, shallow work is all the little things that aren’t as important. We’re talking about checking emails, scrolling through social media, and other tasks that aren’t all that meaningful. To be focused & productive, we need to practice prioritizing these high-value, complex tasks while minimizing the low-value ones.

Manual to be in the Focus Fortress:

  1. Set Clear Goals: The journey begins with a clear destination, so define what you want to achieve during your Focus 101 session. Is it writing a report, coding, or tackling a complex problem? A precise goal keeps you on course.
  2. Eliminate Distractions: Distractions are the arch-nemeses of what we want to achieve, so identify your most potent distractions and take steps to eliminate or mitigate them during your Focus 101 time. This could mean turning off your smartphone, using website blockers, and/or finding a quiet workspace.
  3. Establish a Ritual: Yes, a ritual! Being in the fortress doesn’t just happen; you need to kickstart it. That’s where a ritual comes in. Your ritual is like a secret code that tells your brain it’s time to get serious. It could be something simple like making a cup of tea, playing a specific type of music, or lighting a candle. The ritual will get you ready for action.
  1. Time Blocking: Time blocking is an excellent technique where you set aside specific blocks of time for deep work. During these blocks, you are fully committed to your task; you don’t pay attention to anything else outside the fortress. It’s like having a date with your work. You show up on the platform, pick your partner, and nothing else is invited.
  2. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation can be a valuable tool for enhancing concentration. It teaches you to observe your thoughts without judgment and gently redirects your focus to the task at hand when your mind starts to wander.
  3. Take Short Breaks: Being in the Focus Fortress doesn’t mean working tirelessly, as seen in the platform; you will work for periods of time to take short, regular breaks. We know they are vital to recharge your mental and physical energy. A quick walk, deep-breathing exercises, or a power nap can help you recharge without disrupting your flow.

The best of experimenting the Focus Fortress

Being in the Focus Fortress isn’t just about being productive; it’s about being your best self. When you dive into it, you can find more happiness in your job, create amazing stuff, and even have more free time for fun and relaxation. It’s the pathway to becoming not just a productive worker but a highly effective one.

Embracing the fortress in a world inundated with shallow work and distractions is an opportunity to stand out, achieve more with less effort, and take your professional life to new heights. In the ongoing quest for productivity, Focus 101 created a fortress waiting to be explored.